Article II


Membership shall be open to any Hillcrest Owner residing in any Hillcrest Building who is currently serving on its board of directors or has served at least one year on its board of directors within the past 5 years.

Section 2: For the purpose of electing officers of the Council or for holding office, chairing committees, and contributing to the support of the Council or any matter determined to need a vote from the Council, each building represented on the Council will be entitled to one vote.

Section 3: Membership shall be responsible contributors for meeting topics, presentations, and forwarding issues and concerns of its residents and to share experiences pertaining to building issues, vendors, either successful or unsuccessful for the benefit of all membership.

Section 4: Members may invite other owners from his/her building from time to time that exhibit leadership abilities or have knowledge or experience in issues of concern to the Council.

Section 5: Members may contribute to the Inside Hillcrest publication as writers, advertisers, or to procure such written articles and/or advertising within the parameters of that publication.

Section 6: Members shall contribute to the cost of meeting facilities in equal shares and to the cost of refreshments when said refreshments are not donated with the understanding that the organization will not have standing bank accounts or check writing purposes and contributions are kept within reasonable amounts solely for such purpose and no profit will be sought.  Should any funds be left from the previous meeting, it shall be put forth to the next meeting cost with the benefit to each member’s cost being lessened by that amount.

Section 7: Membership may from time to time research best price scenarios for products and/or services to benefit the Hillcrest Community through bulk purchases and/or to secure contracted services at a reduced rate than any one building could accomplish on its own.  In so doing, the Council may recommend but not mandate participation from the other buildings.

Section 8: Membership may from time to time suggest community activities of social, civic , educational, or humanitarian nature with the understanding that participation is on a voluntary basis and not binding to all membership.

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Article III


Section 1: Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President and Secretary to be elected by the Council membership on an annual basis or as needed should vacancies arise.

Section 2: From time to time, committees may be formed and chaired by the membership either on a volunteer or appointed basis.


Article IV


Section 1: President and Vice President shall share the responsibility of chairing the meetings and for any introduction of speakers or presenters, of relating agenda issues and soliciting agenda items from its membership.

In addition, the Vice President shall work with the secretary to collect fees each meeting and be the responsible party for payment of any expenses or reimbursements.

Section 2: Secretary shall be responsible for communicating meeting times and locations.  In lieu of minutes, the secretary may submit a summary of Council issues, discussion, or findings for publication in the Inside Hillcrest or may appoint another member to submit said article.  The secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a sign in sheet, membership nametags and collecting the fees from each member and then submitting funds to the Vice President for payment of meeting room and reimbursement (if needed) for refreshments.

Article V


Section 1:  Meetings will be held on a monthly basis unless the membership chooses by majority vote to postpone meeting in the following month.

Section 2: No quorum need be established.  Membership should RSVP and should it be decided that attendance will be too few; the President/Vice President shall so direct the Secretary to send a notice of rescheduling.

Section 3: Meeting agendas may be set by membership offering services or presentations and may be chaired at any meeting by the membership making the agenda.  Membership should present its agenda item to the President or Vice President and that officer will schedule the presentation for the next available meeting.

Section 4: Meetings may also be held for the purpose of guest speakers or non-member owners with experience of interest to the Council.

Section 5: Meetings may not be held for the sole purpose of selling product or services to the Council although vendors may be allowed time on the agenda for a quick review of products or services they offer, time allowing and under the approval of the President or Vice President.  Vendors may be presenters of topics or expertise of interest to the Council.

Article VI


Meetings will be held in an informal manner where different members may chair the meeting at the behest of the President or Vice President, with common courtesy and respect governing meeting transactions.

In such times when a vote must be taken or discussion is of such a nature where a more formal approach would best serve the agenda, the Council shall invoke the rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.

Voting may be done by show of hands or written ballot, whichever best serves the purpose of the Council for the issue at vote.

Article VII


These Bylaws, or any provisions thereof, may be altered, amended, added to, or repealed by a majority vote of the buildings sitting in membership present at any Meeting thus: Notice of the change in Bylaws shall be presented to all the membership prior to the meeting in which such change shall be discussed and reasonable time allowed for discussion of the change on the agenda. Each building represented on the Council will be entitled to one vote at the following meeting for the purpose of addressing the change in the Bylaws with a majority vote needed for passage.

Article VIII


Should the Council cease to operate, or should it dissolve itself, the presiding officers shall meet immediately to determine the distribution of any assets after outstanding debts are paid.

Hollywood Florida Hillcrest Leadership Council